Saturday, November 22, 2008


Tamilians in Sri Lanka are the most ill treated people in the world after kashmiris. Tamilians have no basic right to exist in sri lanka. Tamil women are raped by the sinhalese army. India was the only hope for the Tamils in Sri Lanka to get a country of their own. But the hope went missing after the assasination of the then Indian Prime minister Indira Gandhi.

LTTE tooks its own course of action,after loosing faith in Rajiv Gandhi. The Tamil tigers went to an extent to kill Rajiv in sri perumbathur. That was a mistake. A sin commited by the Tamil tigers ,which will take a long time to heal. They could have given Rajiv a little more time,he might have solved the crisis. But LTTE made its worst decision. An organisation which was supported by the Tamils in Tamil Nadu has lost its majority of sympathizers.  A ban on LTTE was forced. Certainly most of the Tamils will not appreciate the ban to be lifted on LTTE.  Tamils in Tamil Nadu will not like to be embarassed once again with LTTE's agrresive and irrationalistic nature.

Tamils in Sri lanka and India share the literature and culture. But Tamils in Tamil Nadu wont be justifying the assassination of their prime minister Rajiv Gandhi. A leader who was young and dynamic. A leader whom Indians trusted to progress  under him. 

LTTE has to look for its own course of action. It is hard for them to repair their damaged past. Whatever the situation in Lanka, India will take a long time to consider before taking any decisions evenif  it has to face the pressure from the south. LTTE has hurt India in the past. So do INDIA has hurt LTTE. But winning LTTE is not an easy job for the Lankan Army.  They are equally strong as the lankans. They have planes and warships of own. They just need an external support either from India or anyone else to keep their struggle going.

LTTE have realised and openly apologised for assasinating Rajiv. That doesnt console India. They would have thought more than twice before killing Rajiv. They would have atleast let Rajiv live for what his mother Indira Gandhi has done for the Tamils in Lanka during her term as an Indian Prime Minister. Lack of gratitude. It is not worth trusting LTTE. Thats what India thinks.

Sri Lankan army has made it habitual to kill Tamils. Whether in Lanka or in Tamil Nadu. It has been a practise for the Lankan army to kill the tamil fishermen. It is hard for them to find and kill a tamil in Lanka. So they shoot their anger bullets against the Tamils in India. What a shame to the Indian Navy. India is least concerned about the tamil fishermen who are killed by the lankan army atleast for two decades. 

If India feels that saving Tamils in Lanka from the lankan army is an External Affair. What about Saving Tamils in India from the lankan Army? It is high time for the Indian Government to urge its focus towards Tamils in both the countries before the Tamils feel that they are not part of this great nation. That feeling and thought of a tamil in India will be dreadful for the national unity. A tamil should not be made conscious about his second identity as a tamil in India rather than his first Identity as an Indian. If the Indian government makes an immediate delay in this issue. Certainly the fear of second identity dominating the hearts of tamil will be naturally provoked and cause a serious threat to our national unity.

It is the duty of mighty India to save Tamils of both the countries from the Lankan army.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

night checks in chennai are inconvenient

Chennai city police is putting the night commuters in the city at utmost trouble. Police checkposts are there almost every signal in the main roads. One has to get through nearly 4 checkposts in the mount road at night times especially on saturdays. Usually the cops stop only the two wheelers and verify the vehicle papers and license of the person. But now they are stopping even cars. Chennaites can appreciate the police work at night. They are trying to keep the city as safe as possible. But the police should not create inconvenience for those who commute at late night after their night shifts by having four to seven checkposts in the same stretch.

Sometimes you need to wait for really 10 to 15 minutes to get your papers verified. And it is very hard for people who are travelling home in their two wheelers after their night shifts,if they have to stop at each and every checkposts to get their papers verified. Sometimes the city policemen are partial. 

I remember one incident when the cops seized nearly 5 to 7 vehicles for drunken driving and they let a man go who was drunk,because he was in PRESS. Most of the policewomen who are posted at night checkposts hardly know to verify the papers of the commuters. They just let them to go. One of my friend was let to go by a policewoman,he was not having his insurance papers and the policewoman was so ignorant about the paper verifications,

One thing can be appreciated. Cops are refusing to accept bribes. They have become very strict and they start writing chargesheet without any further questions if a person is found violating the traffic rules. So no bargaining business.

If the cops can make the night time checking more convenient for the people who have to travel at night time from one corner of the city to another,it would be the best .